HomeStructuresWhat Is Your Shed Made Of?

What Is Your Shed Made Of?


Nathaniel Bailey

When it comes to purchasing a new shed you may think the question \”What is your shed made of?\” a rather odd one, as the obvious answer would seem to be wood. However, there is wood and there is wood so to speak. I ask this question because many major Do It Yourself DIY stores sell sheds that are made abroad where the wood used is purchased from sources that are nowhere near what could be classed as sustainable.

If you live in any of the home counties such as Kent, as an example, and are worried about where the wood is coming from, then this can be quite an issue as you may be faced with having to purchase a shed from a major DIY store, as the area is not teaming with shed manufacturers.


Make no mistake these days many more people care a great deal more about the environment and in particular deforestation, and you may be shocked to learn that this is where a lot of the wood used in a very cheap sheds comes from. Deforestation is when trees are cut down for their wood and no new trees are planted to replace them, clearly this situation cannot continue forever, which is why very good shed manufacturers are beginning to realise that customers care about where there wood is coming from. Good manufacturers are now purchasing wood only from sustainable sources whereby when one tree is cut down for use in the manufacturer of the shed, another is planted to replace it immediately.

So if you are looking to purchase a garden shed in Kent or in one of the other home counties and are struggling to find a manufacturer that is making them only from sustainable wood then why not shop around online to find a local shed manufacturer. This is also a very good idea if you want yours to be delivered, this is not an item that should be overlooked as if you decide to collect your shed you will have to hire a sizeable van or small truck to go and pick it up with as they are simply too large to fit in any estate car. A simple online search for [garden sheds in Kent] or [sustainable shed suppliers in Kent], as an example, should pull up a list of local suppliers near to you who care about what wood they use in producing their sheds.

Published by

Nathaniel Bailey

on behalf of Ace Sheds who design and manufacture a range of

sheds in Kent

and timber workshops right through to full size well ventilated summer houses as well as

sheds for sale in London


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